Ebook - How To Build a Metal Rain Curtain Water Feature
Let me start by saying, there are many ways in which this style of water feature can be built. I will explain in detail how I have chosen to build this water feature. It does not mean that this is the only way, this is just my way. You may want to make modifications or changes to suit your specific needs. In this eBook, I will be building an 84” tall by 48” wide metal water feature.
It is important to understand that when I purchase the sheet metal from my local metal supplier, I also have them bend the sheet metal to my desired dimensions. They use an industrial metal brake that can take up to 10’ long pieces of sheet steel. To make the columns, you will need access to an industrial metal brake if you plan to build this water feature the way that I have chosen to build it. If you don’t have access to a metal supplier with a large metal brake, check your area for a sheet metal fabricator.
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